Client's process during a session of play therapy. Shared here with full permission.

Introducing Play Therapy

Play Therapy may be described as an opportunity that is offered to the child to experience growth under the most favourable conditions. Since play is his natural medium for self-expression, the child is given the opportunity to play out his accumulated feelings of tension, frustration, insecurity, aggression, fear, bewilderment, confusion. By playing out these feelings he brings them to the surface, gets them out in the open, faces them, learns to control them, or abandons them. When he has achieved emotional relaxation, he begins to realise the power within himself to be an individual in his own right, to think for himself, to make his own decisions, to become psychologically more mature, and, by doing so, to realise selfhood.
— Virginia M. Axline
  • Play is a child’s first and most natural language of self-expression; it is a medium through which children can make sense of their experiences and feelings. In a therapeutic setting, Play Therapy harnesses this innate ability, allowing children to self-heal with the guidance of a trained therapist.

  • In the Play Therapy room, I provide children with a safe, accepting, and non-judgmental space where they can freely express themselves. Through play, children can explore their feelings, experiences, and challenges metaphorically, gaining insights and understanding in the process. It’s like a therapeutic playground where children can discover and navigate all aspects of themselves in a supportive environment.

Uploaded by Association for Play Therapy on 2016-02-17.

  • Maya’s Play Therapy Experience

    During Maya’s (pseudonym) seventh visit to the Play Therapy room, she selected a toy nest and three toy eggs. Placing the nest in the sand tray, she nestled two eggs within it and buried the third in the sand.

    I gently mirrored Maya’s play, saying, “I see you’re exploring a nest and eggs in the sand tray today. You began with three eggs, but now only two are visible. I’m curious about what separates the buried egg from the two together.”

    Maya was undergoing therapy to process her feelings following her mother’s departure from her father and herself. By reflecting Maya’s play, I aimed to convey to her that her feelings were heard and accepted without judgment. This process of reflection also allowed me to offer Maya insight into her own play, bringing her subconscious emotions into her conscious awareness.

    With my support, Maya began to consciously process her experiences and work towards inner resolution. The integration of open expression and reflection in Play Therapy provides children like Maya with an emotionally safe and non-intrusive space to navigate their feelings and grow.

  • Play Therapy is beneficial for children between the ages of 3 and 17 years. While each child’s situation is unique, here are some common issues where Play Therapy can provide support:

    • Grief, dealing with having divorced/adoptive parents

    • Academic underperformance

    • Behavioural and communication difficulties

    • Processing feelings of anger, aggression, or depression

    • Coping with stress, fear, anxiety, or nightmares

    • Social withdrawal, isolation, or uninformed absences

    • Processing experiences of abuse, trauma, or bullying

  • My Play Therapy toolkit is diverse and holistic, encompassing various modalities such as music, art, drama, puppets and masks, therapeutic storytelling, sand trays and toys, creative visualisation, dance and movement, and regulation techniques. These tools enhance different aspects of a child’s development, allowing for a comprehensive and personalized therapeutic experience.

  • I prioritize clarity and understanding from the outset of our journey together. Here’s how our process unfolds:

    • Free 15-Minute Video Call: Our journey kicks off with a complimentary 15-minute video call. This provides an opportunity for you to share your concerns and ask any questions you may have.

    • Initial Consultation: Following the video call, we engage in an in-depth initial consultation lasting approximately 60 minutes. During this session, we delve into your child’s history and collaboratively set goals for their therapy journey.

    • Ongoing Sessions: I typically recommend a minimum of 12 sessions, scheduled once a week, to maintain consistency and momentum in the therapeutic process.

    • Continuous Support: I understand the importance of maintaining regular communication. Therefore, I’m available to to share and receive updates along the way, ensuring we’re on the same page throughout the journey.

    • Collaboration with Parents: Collaboration with parents is integral to my approach. I provide insight, feedback, resources, and tools to empower parents in supporting their child’s process.