Playing to help children heal themselves.

Client's process during a session of play therapy. Shared here with full permission.

Children don’t say, “I had a hard day; can we talk?”
They say, “Will you play with me?”
— Lawrence Cohen

What is Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is a medium through which children Play out their feelings and experiences. Read More »

Whom does Play Therapy help?

80% of children who engage in Free Play can regulate their emotions. Approx. 20% display a need for help. Read More »

What tools does Anya use?

My Play Therapy toolkit is diverse and holistic, and enhances different aspects of a child's development. Read More »


"Our friend introduced us to Anya’s Play therapy sessions. This method seemed like a way for our child to express his emotions and communicate openly. It truly provided a safe space for our child to share his fears, concerns, and feelings. We appreciate Anya for assisting our child in facing and expressing his emotions rather than withdrawing or having outbursts. While we acknowledge that there’s still a journey ahead, we find solace in the fact that we’re not walking it alone." - Rishab.

"Play therapy with Anya has been instrumental in the development of my child. Anya has helped me reflect on the the environment provided to my child, and making changes as required has helped us tremendously as a family. My child has started communicating and expressing his thoughts and feelings in a positive manner. It has helped open up different facets of his personality too. We still have a long way to go, but I am better equipped to deal with the challenges that lie ahead. I am grateful to Anya for her reassuring guidance and patience throughout. Thank you Anya, I am thankful for your coming into our lives and showing us the way." - Meera.

"Our friend introduced us to Anya’s Play therapy sessions. This method seemed like a way for our child to express his emotions and communicate openly. It truly provided a safe space for our child to share his fears, concerns, and feelings. We appreciate Anya for assisting our child in facing and expressing his emotions rather than withdrawing or having outbursts. While we acknowledge that there’s still a journey ahead, we find solace in the fact that we’re not walking it alone." - Rishab. "Play therapy with Anya has been instrumental in the development of my child. Anya has helped me reflect on the the environment provided to my child, and making changes as required has helped us tremendously as a family. My child has started communicating and expressing his thoughts and feelings in a positive manner. It has helped open up different facets of his personality too. We still have a long way to go, but I am better equipped to deal with the challenges that lie ahead. I am grateful to Anya for her reassuring guidance and patience throughout. Thank you Anya, I am thankful for your coming into our lives and showing us the way." - Meera.


“Therapeutic Intervention through Play!” at Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.

“Play and Effects on Behaviour” with indigrow.

“Anxiety in Kids: Identifying the Signs & Dealing with it through Play” with MiniRoo.